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All the analytical info

What is fascia therapy? How does it work? What should I chose?

Here are all the answers.

FaSCIA UNDER THE microscope.


Fascia Terapi

Fascia terapi er en komplet og blid terapi behandling, som kan bruges på spædbørn for at behandle kolik, nakkerestriktioner, gravide kvinder, ældre, smertelindring fra led- og muskelsmerte, samt lindring af hovedpiner (som er Lbow’s specialisering), udløsning af stress og tidligere trauma som kroppen husker. Fascia terapi er godt mod karpaltunnelsyndrom, nakke-, ryg- og håndledsmerter, hormonelle problemer, gigt, iskias, astma, og mange andre smertekilder. Fascia Terapi er ikke en massage eller et arbejde med muskler, men et arbejde med Fascia / Bindevaev som er overalt i vores kroppe, og som er den sande kilde til smerte. Når vi er stressede trækker den sig sammen og stopper kommunikationen mellem blod, vand, næringsstoffer og hjernen. Fascia terapi  ophæver disse interne restriktioner, og lader kroppen frigøre toksiner, aktivere lymfen, og tømme lymfekirtlerne. Et eksempel på dette kan være en smerte i højre skulder, som kan linkes til en restriktion i galdeblæren, eller et problem med knæet som kan være et resultat af et skævt bækken. Den første session tager circa 1,5 timer og inkluderer en vurdering med irisanalyse, tests og forslag til bedre søvn, fordøjelse og et smertefrit liv. Man skal vilkårligt møde op velhydreret til første møde, og være informeret om at det ikke er en massage. Egnet til alle aldre.




Fascia is the connective tissue that is woven in your muscles, and the element that keeps your bones in place. Without fascia you would be a puddle on the floor.  Fascia is the intricate system that pulls organs and muscles in your whole body when an area has tension. It is called Tensengrity.

If your shoulders are placed forward, there will be tension in your neck and your back. If your foot is not adjusted properly, your other foot will compensate, creating an internal pressure in your hips or back.  But what most people do not realize is that this fascia that we bathe in, reacts the same way a snail does, only faster, to anything external and internal.

Just like a snail retracting before you touch it, your fascia is on constant look-out for danger, always ready to contract and stop your blood vessels from bleeding. Thus, stop you from dying.

It is a primal mechanism, and yet so important, so deep that it affects your everyday life.


When it retracts and condenses, it pulls on muscles, creates blockages in your body. Tensions. And your body changes, discreetly to keep you upwards, thus creating pain and problems in the long run. It is as simple as that.

Fascia therapy is the technique that reaches in deep places by performing very gentle moves on the surface of your body, where 3 layers of fascia meet. These moves  allow the fascia to relax, become jellyfied again. Tension is not fought with tension. Think of untying a knot. It is not by pulling that it goes away.

The work is done during pauses. Move, pause, move, pause. 

The brain stops giving the flight or fright alert. You go in deep relaxation, and your body starts to readjust itself in the next few days after the session.

Watch this video, it is in French and speaks of Osteopati ( similar techniques, but different branch of fascia therapy)

The camera shows fascia when

a) nothing is  touching the arm

b) there is a hand placed on it

c) a massage is performed.

d) a fascia therapeutic move is performed. Look at the transformation.



Knowing how Fascia is fundamental and behind most pain we feel, every single treatment you read in this page is based on that technique. Those who wish wellness and relaxation get a full massage, with craniosacral techniques on the head.

Those who seek deliverance from pain and restrictions, opt for the pure fascia treatment.

And those who have a hard time letting go of their mind, or need to boost their confidence, or find their voice in a noisy world, take the workshops or the counselling sessions.


Whatever it is, we can make you feel lighter, and make life seem better.


Why is this different?


The technique operates on the fascia of the body. We grew up thinking that we are made of muscles, joined with joints, laying on bones, connected with some collagen, wrapped up in skin.


But we are more like a soft snail. Our whole body is a sensor, and that gelatinous, gooey substance that is dry and hard when dead and on an anatomy table, is plump, hydrated, soft and receptive when we are alive. It reacts to the surroundings, to our thoughts, and to our feelings. It is a sencor that brings information to the brain, faster than a nervous system. In fact, animals with no nervous system, react and feel faster than the ones that have one. This knowledge has revolutionized the way we look and treat our bodies, and all over the world, conferences are held, aimed at the medical community, to re-think of the way we treat our bodies.


Imagine your body being a 3 dimensional spider web. Every sensation, bruise, touch is felt and processed to the brain. Every lack of movement is allowing fascia build up. Every stressful or sad event is making the fascia retract on it self, compressing the blood vessels down. ( Our brain in a fright or flight situation wants to prevent the loss of blood. Communication with the brain is altered and stopped. This also happens during a surgery.

Blockages pull organs slightly out of place. Blockages pull bones and pain starts. There is no such thing as a skeleton. Our bones have the position they have BECAUSE of fascia. And fascia keeps readjusting our body, in order to be able to walk upright.


The work is done during the pauses.

The Fascia terapeut, knows where to intervene and loosen the tension. Then he waits and the body starts to work on itself. This is a method that can be done on babies, animals, patients with sensitivities, with spectacular results.


Below, two clients with foot problems where the fascia work is visible. They could not feel it. They both had chronic foot pain and it was gone once they got off the bed.  In the third video a not so common occurence, where the fascia entices the body to shake.  These are not common reactions as the average patient either feels tingling and lightness and heat/cold, or immediate relaxation, changing their brain waves to THETA and stepping in the parasympathetic system. But they are not that uncommon either. In fact when the body takes over, either by half-sleeping or by shaking what was "stored", the practitionner knows the best results are achieved, and that the self healing mechanisms of the body are now at the controls.
























A massage feels good as it is breaking the fascia horizontally and on the surface, providing temporary relief, especially if there was a restriction due to fascia build up. But many of our organs who are surrounded by fascia can not be reached effectively.  


Fascia is behind pain, mobility restriction, posture and many other things due to its nature to absorb shocks.

Fascia therapyis an effective way to release the fascia that is restricted, allowing for greater mobility, improvement in pain, evacuation of trapped toxins. The moves that the practitioner does, create a pulse that  travels in all directions releasing fascia to its normal state, allowing for a complete reboot.  Fasciahas helped clients with arthritis, tinnitus, bed wetting issues, sprained ankles, knee problems, asthma, lower back pain, shoulder pain, headaches, anxiety, and many more.


It is done with a light touch, as our fascia usually feels assaulted, then the practitioner leaves the room. The work and message to the brain is carried through during the pauses. Sometimes clients feel sensations (heat, pulling, cold, tickling or fall asleep). The technique works on 3 layers of fascia but also on junctions of  Nerves and lymph nodes. It is a deep and powerful technique that works for days after you left the clinic. A session can have 2 to 40 moves, depending on the reactions of the individual, if he experiences them.


  • Headaches/ Migraines

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Waist and lower back pain

  • Hip and joint pain

  • Rheumatism and arthritis

  • Knee problems

  • Hammertoe

  • Ankle (acute and chronic)

  • Sinuses

  • Asthma

  • Bowel problems

  • Hormonal and menstrual problems

  • Elbow

  • Carpal syndrom

  • Heel pain

  • Tension, anxiety

  • Insomnia




What should I expect?


The first visit is always the basic, the one that  balances your body and gives it a command to relax, stop being in the sympathetic nervous system ( alert) and go into parasympathetic (the autonomous nervous system that controls digestion, breathing etc) The first session also serves as a blue print guide for the practionner. I am feeling your problem areas and have an idea of what could be the problem.

Indeed a pain in the shoulder could be related to the foot and a pain in the abdomen, to the neck. Most of the times the session moves are  followed by sensations, be tingling, pulling, heat or cold or other minor feelings connected to your body or your heart. Even images, colors, feelings. Crying or irritation, or joy.

The masseur is not stealing energy or vitality from you, leaving you heavy, as the breaks between clients are adequate and the intentions of the therapist, is to bring comfort. 

You might feel your body talking to you and the noise and anxiousness leaving your mind. You may feel extreme joy, or cry, depending at what your body was holding on to. Pain is eased,  You might sleep.


Or you might feel nothing. It all depends on the way you communicate with your body and the state of your fascia. The more liquified, the more communication will reach the stem and the brain.

You will feel the benefits the days to come, in matters of less intensity when having a headache, or if you were not hydrated enough, in form of a "hang over", which is your body taking out the toxins, the trash that was trapped in your fibrous connective tissue.


Sometimes it takes one session to make the pain go away, sometimes you may need more.


For chronic cases expect to come at least 3 times.

Sessions last from 60 to 90 minute




But what will I feel?

It depends on the individual. Some feel  a deep relaxation, or extreme tiredness on the day and the next days sometimes. As if a very long stressful period ended and your body goes into exhaustion. But, the reactions vary according to the individual, and they should not be the main focus. The sensations are fun, but not the goal. The goal is to fix the problems.

It has been observed that some feel headaches after the session especially if they did not drink enough the day before. The lymph is activated and waste from the fascia  is entering the bloodstream in order to be evacuated, so some people, get a little hangover while the organism, carried by this self healing process, is working or overworking. It only lasts a day and it is harmless, but indicative of the level of waste in the organism.

Some feel heat during the pauses, tingling, slight pain, discomfort, eradication of pain. Some have a moment of emotional cleanse, sadness, or joy, and some just sleep right through it. Almost all have a deep, satisfying,restful sleep the next few days and have noticed a reduction in intensity of their migraines, backpains, and other ailments.

Their way of thinking clears up and their decision making process improves. Some stop smoking.

When the body starts to feel good, the mind gets clarity, we learn to listen to our bodies signals, and therefor the quality of life increases.

The technique is working for 7 days more or less, as ripples in a lake once a stone was thrown, and it is advisable to not have anything else done a week before and after, be it acupuncture, massage, etc. But you can work out and go to fitness.

Keep a journal of every little change you experience if you have the time.

And drink lots and lots of water! :)




Our bodies have "issues". Sometimes, the body can NOT handle  more than a few moves.These are cases where you feel much, and for more than 5 minutes. In this cases the body needs to be respected and given time to replenish, or it will be overworked and you will feel a hangover the next day due to the toxins entering your bloodstream. This is why water is so important.



To sum up:

Fascia  is a thin, tough transluscend sheet surrounding all of our fibers, muscles, and organs in our body. It is the web and net that holds everything together, and that goes through your bones, muscles, surrounds your cells, your fibers. It is a fibrous material that contain, separate and allow free movement between all structures so it is inevitable when a muscle is activated, to not affect the fascia that surrounds it albeit a slightly different physiological effect. All structures that are activated during a treatment be it skin, joints or muscles, have sensory nerves that give feedback to the spinal cord about the state of that particular structure ( hence some of the sensations of stretch, pain etc)

Fascia is our communicative system. It clumps down when in stress, compressing the blood capillaries and arteries, veins,  in order to avoid excessive bleeding. The technique is allowing the release of the clumpness without damaging the fascia.  People who work out hard usually damage their fascia by tearing them up, which gives an impression of building up. In reality often enough the extra bulk derives from tearing and bunching up of the muscle fibres. This creates adhesions through the body and an inability to get rid of toxins. On the other extreme, people who do not work out and have a weight problem will have a lot of congestion.

Fascia must be free at all parts to receive and discharge all fluids and eject all impurities.


Fascia comes in layers, and the moves are specifically chosen for the richness in layers and critical points.

Fascia of the front is different from the fascia of the back and this was created at an embryological level.


The technique creates impulses in the collagen fibres of fascia, which creates an infinimal electrical charge with strong healing properties, more than with a Rofling technique as used in a traditional massage.

The conductivity of collagen increases and is directly affected with hydration. The impulses created will travel further and farther with an amplification directly affected by the action of proteins in liquid crystals. ( as a screen)

In other words, fascia is extremely responsive to electrical charges and can carry electrical impulses faster than the nervous system. It responds as a whole, regardless  as to where a move was made.

A move on the leg, can carry like a Tsunami, a response to the shoulder, or the ear.


Passages from John Wilks book " Bowen Technique: The inside Story"







































The Body Workshops

Day 1

  • Introduction to the Lbow technique.

  • Theory

  • Practice on body and eachother

  • Pause with lunch

  • Practice on body and eachother


Day 2

  • Experience design and marketing

  • Clients assessments and handling

  • Oils, essential oils, green clay

  • Head massages and chair massage.

  • Baby handling.


Certification is given with 10 case studies.











Nicole is a certified Bowen therapist, reflexologist (zona), who worked her way through Europe as an artist and a teacher of languages and performing arts.  In 2001 after the birth of her daughter she turned to research and journalism, with specialty on emotions, relationships and the impact on health and well-being, as well as the  importance of sound, speech and how to unblock old trauma. She is certified  in hypnotherapy, kinesiology. Bowtech, reflexology, EFT , EMDR and has a lengthy experience as a teacher,  a vocal specialist and a counselor.

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